About Me

Clayton Seastrand Profile Picture

Hello! My name is Clayton Seastrand. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and give you a little insight as to what my life is all about.

First, here is a summary of some of my work experience. I'm a Full Stack Web Developer with a background in project management, training and I have a life-long dedication to learning. I'm effective at communicating while combining creativity and problem solving to develop user-friendly applications. I am team oriented and able to effectively leverage team member’s strengths by communicating in familiar concepts and an over abundance of attention to detail no matter the complexity of the project.

Like I mentioned, I love to learn. I am curious about how things work and I love to build things. In my spare time, when I'm not playing games with my son, we are creating a video game, or writing music, or creating animated video shorts. When we are not working on one of those projects, I like to volunteer at the local foodbank.

Communicating effectively is something that I have thought deeply about for many years now. Effective communication is more than just words spoken, or words written. It amazes me how the perspective of each individual in a conversation affects their understanding of the idea being conveyed. So to be truely effective at communicating, effort to understand the other's point of view must be taken into account. I became keenly aware of this as I studied Japanese while living in the Kansai region of Japan.

I have been speaking Japanese for many years now. Some things that really stand out to me about effective communication is that it can be about a sincere willingness to understand as much as it is about using the right words. And that willingness to understand comes from our ability to consider things from the prospective of those with whom we are wanting to communicate.

I have been married to the love of my life for 24 years and I am the proud father of three wonderful children, two daughters and a son. I echo Eric Idle and his song at the end of "The Life of Brian", Always look on the bright side of life.